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My experience and my friends hand washing soap to trade
today me and my friends to trade soap made ​​in my school, we made it on Wednesday and Thursday to pack her live in a small jar that fit the size of the bag, bags, etc.

and when you want to sell me and my friends made ​​per group I and group 3 Damal dhea group, each group was given 14 bottles when we sell to Mr. Faisal, plus two more and we sell the cheapest for our Rp.2500 others Rp.3000 and Rp.3500 I just Rp.2500 it!!, I sell in secondary daerahsekolah islam at-Tawbah, and mumpung also in the race there smp elementary school we both offer no interest and there is no pretending yasudah busy is indeed trafficking in like that too!!

who buy our goods there are a lot of elementary school children, teachers, and mothers, while in elementary school elementary school children apparently were painting their hands dirty and many deh a purchase order to clean his hands until they run out, I was so tired and dhea, but we glad we can profit no loss of money! my friends did not lose but fortunately, this is my trading experience with friends, merchandise is up there dasdar school teacher who asked, but it is up, Jihan has not exhausted his merchandise because his time is up!! au revoir

This story was made by Hafidhah Aurelia Afrah 

thank you for reading and viewing :-)


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